Reaction to Imran Khan’s speech: ‘Modi had neither defense nor any justification’

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Pakistani Prime Minister, Imran Khan’s speech at the UN General Assembly has received mixed reactions. After Imran Khan’s speech, many expressed their happiness on social networking websites, saying that for the first time, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent actions on Kashmir have been put before the world.

Most of the opposition parties of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s policy on Kashmir is clear enough that if Parliament takes any action on this, they will be with the government and the state on it. But when political parties sat together in parliament this August, differences between them could not make any significant progress in the parliament’s meeting on Kashmir.

But despite this, senior PPP member Sherry Rehman called Imran Khan’s speech a clear stand on Kashmir by the Pakistan international community.

Regarding Imran Khan’s speech, Sherry Rehman told the BBC: “There is no two opinion that this time the Prime Minister of Pakistan has been many times more successful than the Indian Prime Minister.” Modi had neither defense nor justification. It was enough to say no to Modi. ‘

Sherry Rehman said, “I wish the whole speech should have been on Kashmir, and in particular, the right of Kashmir should be a matter of self-determination.” Imran Khan blamed climate change and Islamophobia for the end of the speech as the situation in Kashmir is India’s own. And it is important to warn the global community. India would not have thought that this would go so far and now it seems that the Kashmir issue is beyond their grasp. ‘

He said that Prime Minister Imran Khan had spoken to British Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and had given a clear stand on Kashmir. So Pakistan is doing it and will continue to do so. And it was important for him to make this speech because this platform is so important. ‘At the same time, he said,’ Nuclear war is not an option but the world is not missing out on anything right now. ‘

In Muzaffarabad, a Pakistani-administered Kashmir city, people saw Imran Khan’s speech on a large screen in his home area.

Imran Khan recently addressed a rally in Muzaffarabad, saying that those who want to go to the Line of Control wait for their call.

But a few days later, Imran Khan also appeared to say, “Whoever goes for jihad in India-administered Kashmir will harm Kashmiris.”

Muzaffarabad resident Amiruddin Mughal told the BBC that the Prime Minister had a very detailed discussion on the Kashmir issue which we liked. There are many people in Kashmir who want to cross the Line of Control, which I have stopped.

However, it was also expected that Imran Khan would also speak on Kashmir’s right to self-determination.

About this, Mohammad Abrar, a resident of Muzaffarabad, said: “The right which is taken in a limited sense should also be talked about. For example, if the Kashmiris were to take a third route instead of both options, then Imran Khan should have emphasized that they should be allowed to do so. ‘

India-administered Kashmir
In his speech, Imran Khan spoke of state repression in Indian-administered Kashmir

Amir al-Azim, the general secretary of the Jamaat-e-Islami, told the BBC that “Imran Khan’s speech regarding Kashmir is very welcome and especially that he read the word and told the UN that in any case. No deal will be made on Kashmir.

But he said, “It would have been nice if he had mentioned Aafia Siddiqui and talked about his release.”

But where the number of people praising this speech is high, there are some who believe that things should go beyond the speeches.

Pervez Hoodbhoy told the BBC that he was surprised at Imran Khan’s speech that he had invited UN observers to come to India to be a camp for jihadist organizations. Examine the claims yourself.

“Jihadist organizations have been supported in Pakistan especially when they used to hold processions in the cities of Pakistan. Hijab-ul-Mujahideen have been given some. It was open fifteen to twenty years ago. And nowhere else is an example of this. But to say that Pakistan will think of those who are hostile to Kashmir, or if the UN observers come and visit the Mujahideen’s camps, then it is nothing short of utter. ‘

He said that speaking of Islamophobia seems to be good in countries that are dealing with minorities in their own country. ‘But that’s not the case here. Minorities in Pakistan are legally barred from doing many things. As a result, Ahmadi and the Shiites living in your country are frightened. Hindus, Christians and Sikhs are also part of the same environment. So Islamophobia is your place, but it is also important to look at your poor people. ‘

He said, “Both countries have nuclear weapons and if they are used, both countries will be destroyed.” So Imran Khan would surely say repeatedly that there is a danger of nuclear war but he will remain a threat. The fact is that Line of Control is a limit which neither Pakistan nor India can change. Until we accept that, this will remain the case. ”


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