A Complete Buying Guide For Top Air Coolers in India 2020


Because of increasing pollution and global warming, summers in India usually extend from April to the last week of October. Days become too hot and humid during summer months, and people experience the enormous heart that makes them tired and restless. The scorching temperature prevents us from getting sound sleep at night and work comfortably during the daytime. The economical and efficient way to beat the summer heat is with air coolers. 

Air coolers are an eco-friendly and affordable alternative to all air conditioners. An air conditioner is costly, and entry-level AC would cost you around Rs. 25000, while a good air cooler would cost you around Rs. 7000-8000. You may check for Bajaj, Crompton, and Blue Star air cooler price in India before buying and get some discount deals after proper comparison. Below is the helpful buyer’s guide that you may consider when buying air coolers to settle with the best model according to your need.        

Working Process

The basic working of an air cooler is to cool down the hot air in a confined room. The air cooler collects and passes the warm air over water to absorb the heat and delivers cold and chill air to make the environment pleasant. This mechanism is carried out consistently by the air cooler, making the area enjoyable and refreshing quickly. The transfer of hot air to water is performed on the cooling pads so that the evaporated water can be sustained and used again. So, the air cooler’s working process is the primary factor to keep in mind when buying a cooler for your house or office. 

Types of Air Cooler

There are two different types of air coolers – room coolers and desert coolers. The air coolers used to cool mid-sized and small rooms are called room coolers or personal coolers. The room coolers have low tank capacity, and it is an affordable option for personal use. It uses blowers to offer cooling effects in the room. The air coolers that can cover larger spaces are referred to as Desert Coolers. It comes with an industrial-grade massive exhaust fan for the cooling process. It is the expensive version, but it is worth it to cover larger spaces for cooling. It has a large water holding capacity of 30-40 liters. 

Cooling Pads

The air coolers use two different cooling pads – Aspen Wood Wool Cooling Pads and Honeycomb Cooling Pads. Honeycomb cooling pads comprise honeycomb-shaped cellulose material, which is very durable and efficient than Aspen Wood Wool Cooling Pads. The Aspen Wood Wool pads are economical and affordable but lack in other aspects like Honeycomb pads. 

Size of the Room

It is imperative to buy the right size air coolers to enjoy the cooling effects in desired areas. The size of the room is an essential factor to consider when buying air coolers. Based on the size of the room, weather conditions, and the number of people in the room, you have to make the right selection of air coolers. You also need to check the air displacement of the air cooler, which is calculated in Cubic Feet Per Minute. You have to ensure that the air cooler size is sufficient for the room where it will be used. Buying smaller or oversized air coolers must be avoided. You must always purchase the cooler according to the size of the room.

Water Capacity

Air Coolers make use of water to absorb the heat and release cold air into the room. But, with regular use, the water tends to get evaporated ad you need to feel the tank again. The air coolers with large water tanks usually function more extended hours, and the need for refilling is reduced. But when the water tank of the cooler is smaller, you need to refill it again. The private room coolers come with a low tank capacity of 15-20 liters, while the desert coolers have a larger water tank of 50-100 liters depending upon the size of the cooler.  So, these were some of the primary factors you need to consider when buying air coolers in 2020. Ensure to check the price list of air coolers and Crompton fans price list in India 2020 before buying to grab the affordable deal and save money.  

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