Red Fruits: Varieties, How to Choose them for Summer


Do you know all the red fruits that exist? 

We tell you what they are; select them, and some recipes to enjoy them to the fullest.

The berries are small fruits that group included in the understory in early spring, including the strawberries, blueberries, or blackberries, among others. They are highly appreciated for their flavor, between sweet and sour, and, of course, for being loaded with very beneficial nutrients for health. They stand out, especially for their antioxidant, vitamin, and fiber content.

Do you need more reasons to include them in your diet? 

Next, we review the different varieties available and choose them to have excellent quality and some delicious recipes in which they will be the main protagonists.

Red Fruits

Varieties of red fruits

Strawberries: since the beginning of spring, strawberries are visible in the windows of all greengrocers. The sweetest among them is the strawberry, almost oval and delicious to bite into. Did you know that strawberry is not a real fruit? What we eat is the fleshy part of the flower. The whole fruit is achenes, the small, crunchy seeds.

Forest strawberries: they are small scented fruits that are found in the undergrowth throughout the year. A little white flower is a sign that discovers them on the ground. The best known is the Mara des, Bois.

Blackberries: the wild blackberry is the fruit of the bush and is harvested towards August. Crunchy and highly scented, it is eaten naturally and becomes an addictive snack. The Black Diamond variety is a large, juicy blackberry.

Blueberries are globular berries of dark blue and pruny color and juicy, sweet, and highly perfumed pulp. They are collected in the understory with the help of a special rake.

Black currant: it is the cousin of the common currency. Said little blackberry is slightly acidic, with thick and purplish skin. It is collected at the end of July in the country areas.

Gooseberries: This pink berry sports beautiful, translucent skin. Acidic and slightly astringent, it is often presented to be tasted in small bunches.

Raspberries: real protagonists among red fruits, raspberries are fleshy fruits made up of small red drupes. They are consumed fresh or in fruit purees or drinks. Wild ones are usually collected at high altitudes throughout the summer.

Cranberries: They are small red berries known for their antioxidant virtues. They are usually consumed in juice, and their taste is astringent and bitter.

Cherries: although cherries are not understory fruits, they are usually included in red fruits. This stone fruit usually belongs to different families. The sour cherries or amaryllis are pitted and are used to prepare brandy while the dollar and variegated are table cherries.

How to choose and preserve red berries

The choice of red berries Red

Berries are usually presented on trays or covered with transparent paper, just like strawberries. Make sure you choose those that have remarkably smooth, shiny skin. It is also advisable that the tray edges do not have stains, a sign that the fruits have not crushed each other and are in good condition.

Conservation of red fruits

Its conservation time is short. Once removed from the tray and container, they must be passed through cold water. Place them on a plate, well arranged so that they do not overlap, and they keep well for longer.

Red wine for your health

Increases the level of high-density lipoproteins HDL, that is, the good cholesterol in the blood; Thanks to its polyphenols and flavonoids, it has an antioxidant power; it makes terrible cholesterol (LDL) harmless by preventing its oxidation.

Various diseases cause dysfunction , to a greater or lesser degree, with high blood pressure and diabetes being the most frequent, but also the Super P Force, Tadarise 20 and Super vidalista that are administered to treat them. 

Reduces allergies thanks to antibacterial and antihistamine action.

Some of the vitamins it contains help you fight to age and beautify your skin.

It is anticoagulant, improves blood circulation in the brain, and reduces inflammation.

It provides minerals and traces elements to the body, such as magnesium, zinc, lithium, calcium, iron, and potassium.

It controls urinary infections and reduces the risk of bravery stone formation.

  • Reduces the risk of hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
  • Lowers blood pressure and insulin level in the blood.

It improves the digestion of proteins, so it is always recommended to accompany it with meats and cheeses. It is also a immense ally to lose weight, since it activates a gene that prevents the formation of new fat cells, stimulates the existing ones to purify them, and gradually eliminates them.

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