According to WMO, according to World Meteorological Institutions, before the end of this year, the effects of seasonal poisonous nano are 70% of re-establishing effects.
Earlier, El Salvador was influenced by the weather patterns around the globe that happened in 2015-16.
However, the researchers believe that this new al nano will be less intense against the past.
According to Deblo MoO, environmental change is affecting the traditional intensity of such seasonal manifestations.
The Sunni 2015 nineteenth season recorded the most severe seasonal poison and it had an impact on the temperature around the world, due to which the warmest year of 2016 was recorded.
El Nino and La Nina are complex seasonal patterns that occur due to temperature temperatures in colonial archeology, and their effects are set around the world.
‘Al Nino’ is sometimes called a hot stage of this natural phenomenon, while ‘La Nina’ is called a cold phase.
Now ‘La Nina’ is over and according to the WMO, there are 70% chance of another El Nino before the end of the year.
However, its severity is less than 2015-16.
WMO Secretary General Patriallas Talas says that in the opinion of WMO, this new al nano would be less intensely compared to the past, but then it could have a considerable impact.
He further said “Knowing it before time can save many lives and financial losses.”
Scientists say Astano is going to see the weather conditions of El Nino for the first time, due to which famine and flood can come.
Australia’s Bureau of Metorology said it could be a big event.
Such ocean temperature decreases due to lack of seeds.
El Nino is still in its early stages, but it has the ability to bring extreme weather around the world.
American scientists earlier announced in April that El Nano has arrived but at that time it was called ‘weak’.
Australian scientists say that its samples show that it will take force after September, but at that time it will be the first time to say how strong it will be.
Environmental monitoring in the Bureau of Metorology and the Prague Department manager David Jones told reporters that this is a real-nano effect, and it is not weak.
‘You know that whenever intensity is offered, it gets a little suspicious, but looking at the models completely, it looks like it’s a big event of Al Nino.’
After the recorded temperature of the last year, El Nino was expected but it did not happen.
Five years ago, due to the coming days of Alino, there was famine in low monuments in South-East Asia, South Australia, Philippines and Ecuador in Southeast Asia, a severe storm in the United States, a heat wave in Brazil, and severe flood in Mexico.
El Nino is the warmth of the Pacific, which is part of the complex result of the atmosphere and sea.