Types of Cute little house plants ideas for your interior decor


Gone are the days when plants were just meant to stay in your garden and lawns. We are living in a time where these green babies have taken all over the place. They are everywhere, every spot of the house. They have moved from gardens to balconies, window sills, entrance doors as well as indoors. This is true that people have now started adding and even liking plants in their indoor space. To be honest, plants do a remarkable job indoors as well. 

Houseplants/indoor plants are a major trend nowadays. It gives your decor a new meaning and also freshens the air in your home. Having plants indoors is considered as a classic, timeless decor. When you want to add shades and hints of color to your house, now all you need to do is order plants online, and the plants will be delivered right at your doorstep. See how simple it has become to elevate the decor of your house. You don’t need to change the furniture anymore, no more paint splashes on your stuff. Buy beautiful plants that do well indoors, and you are good to go. To your surprise, there are plant categories available that are fit for every spot of your house. Yes, you read that right, not only is there a different category of outdoor plants and indoor plants, but there is a variation in indoor plants as well. Like if you are looking for a bud that is suitable for your living room, the list would be different from the plants best suited for your window sill. The good news is that there is a plant for every corner or place. Be it your living room, bedroom, bathroom, cabinets, bookshelves, and tabletops. Not only is there a suitable plant for all of these spots, but they even look perfect in any backdrop. Today, I’m going to talk about cute small plants that will look pretty in your indoor space and will still give you a green boost. Scroll down the list to know more.

String of pearls

This plant is so very pretty that I could not help but put it on the top of the list. So, my list opener would be this plant called “String of pearls”. As the name suggests, the plants look somewhat similar to actual pearls tied in a string. Just like we all love pearls and pearl necklaces, you will also love this plant for its appearance. The real name of the plant is the Senecio genus; you can try this name if you cannot find it under the other name. The plant is available in many types of leaf forms; one of them gives out pearl-like leaves. The string of pearls plant is actually a native of South Africa, which makes the plant tough enough to survive in the tough conditions. Though the leaves look like peas, they are not at all edible, so place it out of reach of little ones. 

Donkey’s tail

Okay, some plants on the list may have unusual names but trust me, they are going to be a superb addition to your space. Donkey’s tail is another cute little plant that can fit in your small spaces like small shelves. The plant does well in sunlight, so it is a great plant to put in a bright sunny spot. Make sure that the place where this plant is placed has space for small crawling tails as the plant is a creeper. The plant is easy to care for as it is drought resistant, so in case you forget to water it frequently, it won’t mind and will still continue to thrive. Buy indoor plants online as there you will get all the plants your need from the list. 

Air plant

Ah! A very unusual plant that you will definitely love having at your place, air plants. Air plants are adapted to live perched on the branches and take in the required amount of moisture from the air through its adapted scales on its leaves, which by the way, are spiky. They like a frost-free environment so plant it in warm weather. It is a mess-free plant that will not create the mess of soil, water, and pot as it will hand in the air. You can arrange this plant on driftwood, or put them in a hanging basket or any other ways that you like. They will thrive just with the air and will need a dip in water weekly. Though this plant grows very slowly, it will look good in any place you mount it on because of its uniqueness. 

Baby tears

Last on the list is a plant that has proper green lush to add color to your decor. Baby tears are a small cute plant, and everything about this plant is just perfect. First of all, the name itself will create an “aww” vibe for the listener. Also, the tiny leaves give it a charm that you would want for your house. You can hang it up in the basket, and the stems will fall down, which looks amazing. Like the above plants, it is too easy to care about the plant that you should consider buying.

So, this is the list of cute houseplants that are perfect for your interior decor. You can place them on the center table of hanging them in the basket according to your setting. 

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