Useful Tips for a Trip With Parents


There are hundreds of tips for those, who are going to travel alone or with friends, and now we share tips for those, who want to spend holidays with their parents abroad. If you have chosen a large family car for your trip, make sure that you feel comfortable and free in it. You can see a wide range of cars when you take 7 seater car rental

You will find out in this article how to make everyone satisfied, without exception, regardless of age or difference in habits.

Plan together

A joint trip always involves concessions and compromises. To leave only positive memories for all participants, plan the trip responsibly. When travelling with parents, this is especially important: even if you prefer already in place to choose what to do, parents may not like this spontaneity. Before the trip, talk with them about what they expect from the vacation and how they would like to spend it. Discuss the place you want to go, the transport that you can get at the car rental office, as well as accommodation and food. An honest and open conversation will help to avoid many problems in the future – if you make a choice together, no one will feel left out.

If you travel with elderly parents and your possibilities allow, it is worth thinking about more expensive and more comfortable travel options – for example, a cruise or an organized tour. It will be much easier to deal with financial issues: cruises are often arranged on an all-inclusive basis, so you will not have to figure out how much you will have to spend, say, on food.  In case, parents want to see many sights, you can take a rental car.

Consider the difference in habits

When planning a trip, it is very important to adequately assess the capabilities of parents, their state of health and mobility. It is better to try to avoid night trips and flights with transfers – what does not scare you and seems natural, can cause difficulties for older people. Think about the way it will be convenient for parents to move around the city that you are going to visit. You can rent a car for them, for example. In addition, your parents are most likely accustomed to a certain level of travel comfort: they will probably prefer a comfortable hotel room, rather than a night at the hostel.

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Decide together who pays for what

Discussing financial issues is unpleasant, but necessary: ​​this will help to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. Decide who pays for the trip: do you take all the costs, pay in half, or maybe your parents pay for everything? Find out how much you are going to spend on the trip. If for you a sandwich from a nearby supermarket is enough for lunch, it is not a fact that your parents will agree to this option. 

Think about health and medical care

We think that it is not worth reminding that you need to buy medical insurance before the trip – this is also important for travelling with parents. When planning a trip, it is worth considering the state of health of parents: for example, if it is harmful to them to spend a lot of time in the sun, a beach holiday is most likely not the best choice. In addition, it is useful to pre-translate into the language of the country you are travelling to, the diagnoses of the parents, their medical contraindications and the substances and products that cause them allergies. 

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Take care of everyone’s personal space

It is worth thinking about booking individual rooms in a hotel or renting an apartment with several rooms: if you get tired of each other, you can always be alone for a bit. Living alone can also be beneficial if you and your parents wake up and go to bed at a different time. 

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Order some takeaway and watch a movie together

Introducing parents to the wonderful world of food delivery is a pleasant discovery for them. We must be prepared for the fact that they will be suspicious of pictures on the Internet. Potentially competitive dishes should not be ordered: if mom cooks delicious burgers, and dad is a specialist in Korean cuisine, then any parent would suspect a traitor in delivering the dishes, which they usually cook. Combining tasty food with watching a movie is priceless; any movie from the classical collection is a universal trigger of affection, regardless of age, upbringing and origin.

Parents travel less often with older children than with small ones – which is a pity. Nevertheless, this is a great opportunity to look at each other in a new way: parents no longer need to adjust to the needs of the child; you, having matured, can finally look at parents not as elders, but as equals, learn more about what they like, and find new hobbies together. Enjoy a joint holiday and remember that the difficulties and surprises that you encounter during the trip will be perceived over time as joint adventures and stories that are pleasant to remember.

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